Me? I'm not afraid to admit I am a total novice with my sewing machine, despite how very badly I want to be brilliant. You remember this post, which I wasn't able to finish because my white thread went awol? Well...I found my white thread a couple days ago and spun out those two shirts in record time. Micah was with my dad that day so I wasn't able to try it on him until the next morning.
Epic. Fail. I won't even share pictures because it's just ridiculous. I haven't tried the white shirt on him yet, because I am a tad disillusioned, but the green and white striped one was just sad. If you recall, I took it in from the middle, both front and back, because of the deep v-neck. Despite taking out a total of 4 inches, the neck is still too wide. If he was a girl I'd put it on him with a tank top under and it would look like a ballet top. That tells you exactly how wide it was. It touched his shoulder bone on each side .It dipped down the front of his chest to an indecent level.
Let's move on to something a little more happy, shall we?
I am a part of a Christmas gift exchange this year with a group of online mommies I have grown close to over the past two years. They are the best for venting and sharing my mommy worries and woes, and my happiness. We are very close and share photos of our kiddos every Friday, with what we call BPF (Baby Picture Friday). I love these ladies. So when one suggested doing an Elfster exchange, I was all for it. The best part is that I drew the name of one of the members that I don't know terribly well, so I had to get creative for her gift and really start chatting with her, and figure out what she was into.
Being the Pinterest nerd that I am, I went straight to browsing my saved DIY projects. And I found two things right away that I had always wanted to make for myself that I thought she might like.
The first was this awesome camera strap cover. You can find a million variations of this tutorial, but this was the first one I found. It called for fusible fleece, which is not something I had on hand and I was far too broke to go pick some up (can I just say how excited I am to be starting my new job Monday?), so I winged it using plain white flannel on the inside. It was super easy, I didn't even really follow the tutorial. I sewed together three cut pieces of pretty printed cotton, then lay a piece of white flannel the full width of the cotton on top. Sewed them right sides together, turned it inside out, and then ran a careful stitch around the open ends to hem. Easy.

The second gift I made her was a variation on this tutorial for a very simple scarf. I decided to make mine into an infinity scarf, so I bought a men's XL shirt and cut it straight across just under the armpits. I didn't even sew the top edge since jersey curls up nicely.

I left the bottom sewed hem to add some weight, and to clarify top and bottom. Then using freezer paper and my exacto knife, I cut out a stencil that says, "I <3 my DSLR".

I ironed the freezer paper shiny side down onto the shirt in two parts so I could use red for the heart and yellow for the text.

I didn't make the paint thick so that it looks faded and broken-in. (The other two in the picture are ones I made for other people for Christmas. A super quick project, I couldn't resist those shirts on sale!)

You can't see the design very well once it's on if you drape it around your neck twice, but it still looks cute.

Have you made anything from Pinterest for Christmas?
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