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One of my favorite things to read are the posts from Young House Love about funny things their daughter Clara says. She is a few months older than Micah and they both say really similar things. I bet if they ever met in person they would get along famously, since they are both talkers and movers. Plus Clara is seriously hilarious.

So because I have been having a hard time coming up with things to blog about (being so violently ill with this pregnancy has really been a buzzkill for my sewing), I thought I would begin a Friday blog post about Micah with all the awesome things he says or does every week. I am always meaning to write these down someplace and never get around to it, so this will be a great way to log them. Once the new baby arrives and starts talking, we can add him/her to the post. I can hardly wait to hear them chatting together.

Micah reaches out and very gently pokes right above my belly button with a sly grin.
Me: What was that for?
Micah: I was just poking the baby.
(The sibling rivalry is starting already?!)

Micah, talking about my Dad: He used to be a policeman, but then he grew up to be a Tata!

Micah: When you put on headphones to listen to music, it goes down to your heart. And it stops beating, and starts dancing.

Me: What do you think mommy is having?
Micah: A boy. Or a girl.
He gets an amazed look on his face and his eyes get all big.
Micah: It could be ANYBODY in there!

That last one still cracks me up.


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